Does your photography stand up to the courage of your convictions? If you really think about it, you know. That’s the esoteric thing about creativity that inspires. You may not be able to define it, but your gut tells you when it works. It's often lyrical, hard to define and inexplainable, but you'll know it because you can feel it.
When you find it, hold on tight ... even as the pace and breadth of photographs taken and shared speeds along at an incomprehensible, ever-increasing rate.
Against this backdrop, some may tell you that standing out from the crowd is an art form. On the contrary, it is a willingness to listen to your inner voice that is most important. That inner voice will tell you when you are speaking with originality and authenticity.
Forget about fame, likes, fortune or celebrity (it is photography after all). Photography that is derivative, stale or is missing the passion of the photographer, fades as it is lost in the hidden-away, forgotten shoeboxes of time.
When you find your voice and photograph what matters most to you, your images will reflect your curiosity for and willingness to connect with your subjects. Learn to trust what you feel.
So again, does your photography stand up to the courage of your convictions?
If it doesn't, it’s time to dig a little deeper.
If does, the act of pushing the shutter will never be easier.